Mon 27 Jan
((( specials tonight!!)) ---- SmALL WaiST !! BuBBLE BoOtY !! --- CARESS MY SOFT BODY NOW !!
★ ★==== Special ==NoN---Rush ---Asian---== Independen ===== Out Call ** 24/7 ** - 22
(Las Vegas, out call for hotel)
"" Special before 5 pm "". (60) SPECIAL ..... INCLUSIVE (60 )...... NO UPSALE (60) ....24/7 INCALL - 25
(Las Vegas, Central 5 mintes from Strip 24/7 INCAll)
__________ Spanish Brunette _x_ 150/HR INCALL _x_ Best Friday SPECIAL _x_ RIGHT NOW - 20
█ ~~ ❤ ~~ █ (sOo ADD¡Ct¡V ) °BomBSheLL $Pcial$ All Nite $100 - 19
(Las Vegas, las vegas incall/outcall)
SOCCER MOM___ ___44e BUSTY MIDWEST BLONDE MILf ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ INDEPENDENT ~702-588 -9880 - 40
!!!!!!!! SOFT & SEXY !!!!!!!!!!! VIXEN!!!!!!!! FANTASY GIRL !!!!!!!!!!! - 23
SPECIAL!! TWO For TUES.!! CASSIDY EXE and her DDD's! AND... 2 for 1! - 45
(Durango and Tropicana, Las Vegas, NorthWest)
Specials 100 Specials 100 Special 100 Special - 21
(Las Vegas, Near The Strip Incalls / Outcalls HoTel)
SPECIAL!!! 2 For 1! CASSIDY EXE and her triple D's and her SEXY Cousin SAIGE! - 45
(Las Vegas, Buffalo and Tropicana)
——— ———SPECIALS █████ Sensual Cougar █████ █████CiarraMist █████ █████ █████ Independent FLAT RATES - 34
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip)
SPECIALS ^^^Mature^^^ OPEN- MINDED ^^^^ NO-RuSh- Hassle Free ^^^^ No- regReT's WitH Me!! Independent - 30
(Las Vegas, YOU HOST)
SPECIALS today only!!!! REAL PICTURES 100% me or ill pay you!!! im your vegas dream come true! - 23
(Las Vegas, strip in or out call , no agency)
Specials. ••► LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀-:¦:-I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST - 23
(Las Vegas, Incall on Paradise)
SPECIAL!! TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! Cassidy Exe with sexy cousin, "SAIGE"! - 43
(Las Vegas, Tropicana & Buffalo)
_____________ ❀ █ ▓ ☰ Special Offer ________ Body to Body Massage __ - 23
(Las Vegas, __☛_24/7__☎__702-938-6808)
________ Special Offer $29.99 ___ ANY ___ WAY __★___ YOU _____ WANT __ ★__ IT - 23
(Las Vegas, 4130 E Sunset Rd _☎_702-487-2879)
SPECIAL!!!! 2 FOR 1!!! Exotic Jewish American Princess - ALSO w/ Sexy Cousin ! - 45
(Las Vegas, Buffalo and Tropicana)
"Some WArm, Summer, HOT Sunshine BLOND~ TO CUDDLE WITH~ I am ALL YOURS!~ - 23
(Las Vegas, incall-russell rd-95/ henderson)
🎌㊙️🍒💖🎎✌🏻💋☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 🔥╠╣ot! ASIAN 🎎 ✨NeW✨ To AreA🛬 100% Real Pix💋🍾🎀💖💕 - 24
(Las Vegas, Outcall only!, The Strip)
SPECIALS ALL WEEK$$$ :) blonde beauty EXOTIC yet elegant ; total DISCRETION
(Las Vegas, your CAR or take me to your PLACE !)
SPECAILS:80🌹 💜💕💜 αℓℓ αℳεRiⓒαn _...💋(♥ⓢⓦⓔⓔⓣ ♥_#1_ⓣrεαⓣ)... 💋 ▁ 💜💕💜 - 23 - 23
(Incall-Strip/Hotels and Casino's, Las Vegas, NorthWest)
SPECIAL!!!! 2 For 1 Casidy Exe and Her 2 for 1 SPECIAL !! 2 Exotic Jewish Girls!!! - 45
(Durango and Tropicana, Las Vegas, NorthWest)
🎌㊙️🍒💖🎎✌🏻💋☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 🔥╠╣ot! ASIAN 🎎 ✨NeW✨ To AreA🛬 100% Real Pix💋🍾🎀💖💕 - 24
(Las Vegas, Outcall only please, SouthWest)
Some LOVE what they do BUT I DO what I love...And I do it VERY well!! INDEPENDENT < - 21
(strip hotels)
So Cal's Soccer⚽️Mom Available Downtown For Last Night In Vegas!! - 42
(Las Vegas, Downtown/Las Vegas Strip💛💚💙💜❤️)
SPECIAL!! 2 For the Price of 1! CASSIDY EXE and her triple D's W/SEXY Cousin SAIGE!!! - 45
(NorthWest, Durango and Tropicana)
SOCCER MOM----- --- INDEPENDENT--- ----- -125- ----- Special ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - - 41
(s. strip/ las vegas%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)
SOFISTICATED ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ INCALL ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ 100% REAL ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ❌BusTy❌ ⭕💋 ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ OPENMNDED - 22
(Las Vegas, INCALL or OUTCALL !!!!!!!!!!")
_ SofT & Sweet __ OUT OF THIS WORLD SExY BruneTTE... wiLL fULFiLL yOuR fAnTaSiEs {{the Right way!}} - 27
(Las vegas, las vegas strip)
█ __________ __________ SMOKING HOT PLATINUM BLONDE PLAYMATE __________ __________ █
_______ _______________ ☆ ____ *SIMPLY* ______ *STUNNING* ____ ☆ ______________ __ - 21
Tue 21 Jan
Here from Atlanta! ** Let's Enjoy This Day Together ** Easy-Going, No Hassles! - 35
(South, outcall only)
❤ GORGEOUS ▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ PETITE ▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ BRUNETTE --▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ COLLEGE ▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤CO-ED CUTIE▐ ▐ ► - 20
(Las Vegas, Outcalls ALL Over Vegas)
—————— █ ♥ █ —— ►GRAND OPENING◄—— █ ♥ █ ——— BODY TO BODY——— █ ♥ █ ———— NEW MANAGEMENT ———— - 22
(Las Vegas, 259 N Pecos Rd #120 Henderson,Nv 89074)
Grown and Sexy! Mature Blonde with No B.S. Just plain Vegas Entertainment at it's BEST! - 36
(Las Vegas, outcalls only please)
H I G H LY TA L E N TED ♥ H OT & R -E -A -D -Y - - 21
(yours or mines ???)
✘- HERE NOW ✘Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE █ F R E A K Y █ PHiLiPiNA ! - 20
(Las Vegas, LAS Vegas Strip (Ins/Outs))
_______ *H_E_R_E* _______ T O D A Y________*G _O _ N_ E* _______ T_O_M _O_ R _R_O_W _______
----- H _ O _ T _ ------- I _ T_ A _ L _ I _ A _ N _ ------- C _ U _ M ----- N _ O _ W ----- - 25
(Las Vegas, Off The Strip)
~Hawaiian & Irish~ A Firey Mix!! .. up early and available all day :) :) Daytime specials - 25
(Vegas Outcall)
GRAND OPENING █ Happy Hour█ Pure Spa ! - 26
(Las Vegas, las vegas / henderson / incall)
***** GORGEOUS SNOW BUNNY - All Heart Conditions DO NOT APPLY !! ITS TOO GOOD !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! - 23
[[♥]] Gorgeous [[♥]] Thick [[♥]] Blond [[♥]] Unrushed, No Games!!! - 23
♥ ♥ GORGEOUS . N A U G H T ii . LATiNA Mix____10000% REAL AccURaTE PICS!! ♥ ♥ - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas OutCalls!!)