Thu 02 Jan
TS MONIKA ... Try something you NEVER FORGET .... ( SO HOT TS ) .... Available now - 25
(Las Vegas, The Strip)
TS Mariah Magnum Hung Tranny! 💦GØØd Til the LaSt DrOp *—34B / 11" Hung, Hard & Thick R —E —A —L TS - 24
(Las Vegas, Tropicana & Koval)
Thick n tasty full loads incall/outcall special with video caramel delight 414-459-1719 real 100% - 22
(Las Vegas, The strip)
STRAIGHT? call Me CURIOUS? call Me SUBMISSIVE? Dont B Shy 9" Won't Hurt But VERSATILE - 24
(Las Vegas, las vegas blvd.)
xoxo❤🌟❤ Miss Juliet ❤🌟❤ New natural body Asian mix Available short time 🌟❤🌟 - 23
(Asian, incall, outcall hotel 24/7, Las Vegas, The Strip)
XOXOXO Independent, Mature Brunette will keep u smiling OXOXOX - 43
(Las Vegas, las vegas outcall, NorthWest)
Welcome Gentlemen! Let's Enjoy Ourselves together! *~ Mature Independent Blonde *~ Stockings *~ - 35
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, your place)
Welcome to VEGAS!!! You Can't Buy Love...... But You Can Buy ALOT of Fun!!!!!! - 24
(Las Vegas, outcall)
~*❤*~ WHY LIE ~*❤*~ WE ARE AN AGENCY ~*❤*~ $100 SPECIAL $100~*❤*~ - 22
(Las Vegas, LAS VEGAS BABY, NorthWest)
/:\ W*I*L*D /;\ FUN /:\ Ready whenever you are!!!!! /;\ Independent & Real 702-505-7800 - 29
(¯`'.¸° WelCome RoDEO VISitoRS! MaTUre BLonDe *¨¨*- AvaILabLe TOday *-:¦:-* REaL PiCs - 33
(Las Vegas, your place)
█ -❤- █ WOW! Your Fantasy Girl ls Right Here. Visit Me & Have It - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas ~ Outcall Only)
x❤×(( ✰ MOUTHWATERING ✰ )) ×❤× (( ✰ DREAM ✰ GIRL ✰ )) ×❤× ⇨Classy ⇨Cutie ⇨ ☎ Available Now - 22
(Las Vegas, Outcalls / Hotel, SouthWest)
🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹 WORLD CLASS SERVICE - Stunning Looks 🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹🈹 - 22
(Las Vegas, South, ♻️☰ NEW SPA ♻️☰ 702-724-6267)
WOW* ~SeXXXy * Blonde w/ the * Best * ASS * U * Have * EVER * Seen * on a * WHITE CHICK!! * $1OO
(Flamingo & Maryland Pkwy)
What is your FANTASY? Lets make it a Reality! SEXY Puerto Rican Playmate... super sexy and fun! - 19
(las vegas IN/ OUT)
(( * WiLD ___ WETNeSS * )) sExYHoTTiE (( *tIgHt pInK pU.S.S.y* ))
* * * * Welcome vistors!!!!! Enjoy this beautiful Weather! RELAX!! REAL & Mature & Brunette * * * * - 32
(Las Vegas, outcall, South)
/:\ W*E*T & W*I*L*D /;\ FUN /:\ Ready whenever you are!!!!! /;\ Independent & Real 702-505-7800 - 29
Want to avoid the crowds and noise? Let's have our own PRIVATE AFTER PARTY tonight! - 44
(Incall or Outcall, Las Vegas, The Strip)
WANTED (( EARLY BiRDS )) MOVE -:- YOUR -:- BUTT -:- iN -:- MY -:- DiRECTiON!!
(((Incall)) NOW!! ((Incall)))
-:¦:-☆ WaRm,TiGht & SOo RiGhT! *ThE SwEeTeSt ExCtAcY WiTh ThE SeXiEst BLoNdE *☆
~~~~~~~ Worlds (MoST) AmazInG AS$!! ADULT film STAR! ~~~~~~~ - 21
___{*Well Reviewed*}__ Petite ___ *♥* BLuE-EYeD ~BLONDE~ *♥* __{{ADuLT VideO StaR}}___ - 21
(incall & outcall ..*NO Agency, Just ME!*)
* ೋ✿ ~ Well Reviewed *Petite*BLue eyed BLONDe SwEeThEaRt* _ - 20
(Las Vegas, Henderson Incall//L.V,Summerlin Outcalls)
/:\ W*E*T & W*I*L*D /;\ FUN /:\ Ready whenever you are!!!!! /;\ Independent & Real 702-505-7800 - 29
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 💖💖💖💖💖 WE WILL DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT☰█ ♥ █☰Tantra Body to Body Rub Down Table Shower - 23
(Las Vegas, ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▒█▒ NEW SEXY GIRL # ❶ CHOICE★★)
WEDNESDAY SPECIAL!!! Exotic Jewish American Princess - ALSO w/ Sexy Cousin - 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL - 45
(Las Vegas, Buffalo and Tropicana)
Weekend $pecial$ *.*UPSCALE Ebony MODEL w/ piereced ( • )( • ) TITs*.* Avail 24/7💋 LETS PLAY - 23
(Las Vegas, North Vegas /strip / 95)
Welcome viitors!!!!!! CaLL me and I will help you RELAX after a Long Confrence!!!! Mature - 32
(Las Vegas, your place... outcalls only!)
Welcome vistors!!!!!! CaLL me and I will help you RELAX after a Long Day!!!! Mature & Brunette - 32
(Las Vegas, your place... outcalls only!)
(-- WANNA * Some * Fun * with * Sexy Sexy * Asian * Girl ? --) - 24
(NorthWest, Only Hotels & Locals)
*:.WoW!! -:¦:-* ===LOOK 100% Real Pics *¨¨*-:¦:-* NEW .:-* Exotic Bombshell - 22
(Las Vegas, The Strip)
♥ When Experience and Class Counts ♥ Mature, Stunning, Independent Brunette - 33
(Las Vegas, your hotel)
Watch me Play with my Toys Boys Sundays screaming special 5STAR Special- - 33
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas #1reviewed)
WEAVE PuRRRFECT 🆕🆕🆕 and MY @$$ shake like a CAR ★▌★▌★▌★▌★▌★ BOOTY Plus Tiddys | Mouth | Juicee - 69
(Las Vegas, ** C0me S33 ME ** The New B00TY In T0WN)
* * * * Welcome vistors!!!!! Enjoy this beautiful Weather! RELAX!! REAL & Mature & Brunette * * * * - 32
(Las Vegas, your place... outcalls only!)
__{Well Reviewed}_ Petite *♥* BLuE-EYeD ~BLONDE~ *♥* __ -AduLT VideO StaR- - 21
(incall & outcall ..* NO Agency--Just ME*)
/:\ W*E*T & W*I*L*D /;\ FUN /:\ Ready whenever you are!!!!! /;\ Independent & Real 702-505-7800 - 29
★★★Wild, Ready & Willing To............ 702-9781490 no b/s ◆◆◆ 100% gaurantee it's ME! - 32
Wanna show u some East Coast Love Curvy and Sexy. Incall/Outcall - 21
(Las Vegas, Flamingo West area Las Vegas)
Wanna relax and go to sleep or wake up right and feeling light on ur feet,well then cum & c ME
(Right of the 95)
*** WaNNA PLAY W/ this SEXY PLayFul, Openminded COUple!!! *** - 36
(NW Las Vegas 24/7 Private Incall/Outcall)
(((V!s!T!nG))) XxX Rated Petite Ebony Chick!! In / Out Call Specials!! - 21
(In.....South Strip... Out Call Available...)