Mon 27 Jan
VeGaS iM bAcK💞 AnD iM rEaDy..InCaLlS/oUtCaLls 👅 - 30
(Las Vegas, North, North, NW, the strip, South & SW)
»-(¯`v´¯)-» $ 2 0 0 HR F L A T R A T E »-(¯`v´¯)-» I N C A L L S P E C I A L »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 33
(Russell Rd & Boulder Hwy InCall)
Visiting From NYNY *** Blonde And Busty *** Mature And Indy!!!!!! - 34
(Las Vegas, outcall only please)
👭Verified! Two Girls or One!! Your choice! Cute, Fun, Girls Next Door 😊 Real Pics! - 26
(Las Vegas, SouthWest)
....... ........ ........ ........ vegas vanilla cream ........ (702)542-1223 ......... - 43
(Las Vegas, w flamingo and durango)
♥ Up All Night♥ Cutie w/a Booty ♥Well Reviewed ♥ Available 24/7 ♥ - 27
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Incalls/Outcalls)
Up*All*NigHt {:HoT:}5 S T A R tEMptiNG °*{ {: ErOtiC:} }*°*° {:SeXY: LaTinA} 6 1 9 * 2 1 2 * 1 3 4 2 - 19
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip Incalls/Outcalls)
Unbelievably Sexy ~100% REAL~ Hot Blonde *_____*8-O _$_ S-P-E-C-I-A-L *_____* REAL DDs & Toned Body - 21
(Las Vegas, * INCALL/OUTCALL * AVAIL 24/7)
██▒▒▒▒▒▒██ ♦║ULTIMATE PLAYMATE║✧♦║ SEXY CURVES ║✧║ BLONDE║♦ ██▒▒▒▒▒▒██ - 23
(Las Vegas, Flamingo & Decatur)
* upscale ebony model at your service all nite *new pics recent!!! - 23
(Las Vegas, near palms casino)
Upscale 100 % LEGAL CHICKEN RANCH'S Exotic Beauty CHANEL DIOR Available NOW - 21
(10511 Homestead Road Pahrump, NV 89061)
UPSCALE NEW KITTEN 💞 SEXY 💎🎀 ▬ Brunette & Busty ßεαuty💎💞▬ 💎💞available💞 NOW💎 ▬▬▬💕💎 party girl - 23
(Las Vegas, Strip incalls, The Strip)
UPSCALE BEAUTY for UPSCALE MAN! A True Tantra Beauty Waiting For You! Incall or Outcall - 27
(Las Vegas, Incall or Outcall - Las Vegas Area)
✘ℴ✘ℴ 💕 💄Upscαℓε Latina 💋 ▬▬💋 Jαw Dropping💄▬ 💋 pεtitε & sweet Latina💄 Girℓ Nεxt Door💄✘ℴ✘ℴ - 24
(SouthWest, L.V Hotels)
❤☁❤ SWEET ♡☁♡ PUERTO ☀ RICAN ❤☁❤ BBW ♡☁♡ CURVES ❤☁❤ in ♡☁♡ ALL ❤☁❤ the ♡☁♡ RIGHT ❤☁❤ places!! ♡☁♡ - 22
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, Outcall lover)
~Sweet ~ Sexy ~ Delicious ~Hispanic ~Bomb Shell ~ Ready ~To ~Have ~Some ~Fun~ - 21
~T__W__O__~ __G__I__R__L __S __~__A__R__E __~__B__E__T __T__E__R__~__T __H__A__N __~__O__N __E__~ - 25
TALL Sip of EGG NOG ** Warm & *** SPECIAL Holiday Rates AVAILABLE - 36
🎅 T&A; DEFINED Looking for A Little Work To EARN MY WAY :) 🎅 Best RACK, EVER ! - 29
(Las Vegas, South)
Tall Blonde Bombshell w 38dds .... incall specials ..... total satisfaction .... great reviews - 29
(Las Vegas, incall or outcall)
***** Take The EdGe OFF n ReLaX With A REaL GirL NExT Door **** Blonde & InDependent - 23
(Las Vegas, outcalls to you)
ღ💘ღღ T h E💘ღB l o n d eღ💘ღ ღ S w E e T e S t💘 ღღ💘ღღ C a N d Y ღ💘ღღ B l o n d e💘💘 - 21
(Las Vegas, strip and beyond)
Sxxy Lady direct 2 you Flat rate In/out 24/7 ~! 100% Independent!!! - 25
(Las Vegas, Fremont / Strip)
☆ T H E *ULTIMATE* G I R L ->> N E X T D O O R! ☆ ☆ - 21
•💋S£X¥, £XOtiC,THiCK &&BUST;¥💋• £BON¥ PRINC£S•👅💦SW££T, ¥OUNG, TiGHt&&CR;£AMY👅💦 - 21
(Las Vegas, Your place)
**T HE°☆°U L T I M A T E °☆°E X P E R I E N C E °☆° █▒°☆°OUTCALL °☆ °█ - 19
(Las Vegas, Outcall the strip)
★ ★ ★T_U_R_N __ Y_O_U_R __ F_A_N_ T _A_S_I_E_ S __ I_N_T_O __ R_E_A _L_I_T_Y
(SXY¯ ¸☆BUSTY¸.¯) 22 year TO YOU HOTEL HR$80 CALL NOW 702---875----6611 (`SWEET'·.HOT ¸☆¸) - 22
(East, Las Vegas, Out call Hotel 24/7)
% - - - % - - - % - - - % - - - % - - - % - Sweet Petitte Asian Girl Ivy $120 Incall Specials!! - 23
(Las Vegas, Incall close to Las Vegas Strip, Outcall)
~*~ T H E = B E S T = O F = W H A T = V E G A S = H A S = T O = O F F E R ~*~ - 21
(las vegas (incall/outcall))
(♥ SWeeT Ebony GoddeSs ♥) BUSTY *PLAYMATE »(¯♛´¯)» ExTra fUN CLICK Me for FuN - 24
(Las Vegas, Outcalls)
:) SWEET ** Juicy & HOT ** INDEPENDENT & REAL ** flat rates :) ** Ready for a FANTASTIC TIME????? - 25
▲▼▲▼ *✗✘✗* ▲▼▲▼ 💋🔥💋 🍭SWEET as Sugar Cane 🔥 HOT like FirE! ⚡ SPECIALS!!!! 💋🔥💋 ▲▼▲▼ *✗✘✗* ▲▼▲▼ - 22
=========== SWEET ========== PETITE =========== TREAT =========== WAITING ======== FOR ========= YOU - 21
★ *🍦SWeET♡* 🍦 Eye CaNdY*👀 🌸 ★ ExOtiC★🌸 EbOnY💎💎💎 BaRBiE 💖100% Real Pictures! - 22
(Las Vegas, Strip / incall or outcall 24/7)
Sweet As Pie & Absolutely Naughty Too! Top Rated Blonde Cutie Visiting Sin City! - 26
(Convienent Incall Just Off Las Vegas Str)
SWEET & Spicy.Fun. ASIAN.Companion ~❤~ Glides nude Body 2 Bodyrub !!!. - 26
(Las Vegas, L.V .HOTEL.)
——, —— - —— —— ❤ ——— █ SWEET & EXOTIC TOP SHELF MODELS █ ——❤ —— —— -—— - - 22
(Las Vegas, 229 n stephanie suite B)
SWEET ×x ((* C*L*A*S*S*Y*)) xx SEXY x x( ( L*A*T*!*N*A )) xx H*O*Txx * TREAT *SPECIALS - 21
(NW Las Vegas Incall ONLY)
╚» •◕❥ Sweet & SeXy Asian Babe •◕❥100% REAL iNDEPENDENT - 21
(Las Vegas, SUMMERLiN OUTCALLS strip hotels only)
Swedish- $pecials-$100 incall Friday night pleasure 38dds natural - 100
(Las Vegas, strip, surronding area outcall incall)