Fri 03 Jan
############### What a Treat ------------- Can't Be Beat ################ - 24
(Las Vegas, Valle Verde Dr. & Sunset Rd., Henderson)
👑👯€XOTiC ❌XRATED✨🚨 NEW ⇉ Mixxed Playmate COME EXPERiENCE 💯 *THE BEST*💋 Curvy & Sweet💄😻ReadY N - 18
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Outcalls Available)
Well reviewed single mom loves mature gents 200$ flat special !! 702 713 4748 - 31
(Las Vegas, No bait n switch no drama no upsell)
»»»WORSHIP BIG VOLUPTUOUS QUEEN ¥ Plus Size Real DD's ¥ Full Figured Beauty ¥ Unrushed Experience««« - 25
!!!!! VISITING the HOT city FOR 5 nights ONLY!!!!! STRAP fetish!!! COME enjoy FIRST class - 23
❀ -Voluptuous Hawaiian Beauty Vacationing in Vegas -Checkout's at twelve!-Last Day! ❀ - 19
(Near LV Strip)
▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Verified & Elite ★ ▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Perfect Brunette Playmatel ★ ▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Busty & Petite ★ ▬▬▬▬▬ - 29
(Las Vegas, ❀ O U T C A L L S {D/C & P4 Verified!} ❀)
——▓█ — Vegas DAY SPA — ▓█ —Strong Recommend—Korean, Japanese. Chinese Nice girls—Waiting 4 U ! - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas / China Town / Arville Steet)
VISITING * Busty Brunette Bombshell * Brand New * Ready to Make You SQUIRM!! - 22
(Las Vegas, Vegas/Outcall)
VeGas VisiToR ~~~ Hot InDepenDent PrOviDer ~~~ BLonDe N AboVe AveRaGe ~~ ReAL - 25
(Las Vegas, outcall)
♥Verifed Photo★* 21 Year Old Visting College SeNioR♥★OpEn 24/7♥★PrEttY FaCe ♥★SMaLL WAiSt ♥ - 21
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas, OUTCALL, The Strip, The Strip)
UR #1 B-L-O-N-D-E 💥BOMBSHELL💥!!! 👠 Take Time to Unwind & R 💋 E 💋 L 💋 A 💋 X with me! - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip OUTCALL, The Strip)
Up Early... FLAT RATE (100) ✔ ... Check out my Reviews . "Saturday Specials" - 29
▃★☆▃ ╰☆Tropicana MASSAGE ╰☆╮▃★☆▃ ╰☆╮You Chioce╰☆▃★☆▃ - 22
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, W Tropicana & S Valley View)
-:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- TOP ♥ Q U A L I T Y -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- - - 26
Try Sumthing New ... Sweet Petite Mia ... Specials below.... Up late Come Play .... 24/7 Incall - 19
(Las Vegas, Sahara & Rancho Incall)
°?° "ToUcH M" Tŧ M (F L M) SÕ MÅNY CHÕICS but NÕN LIK M" 80*$pEcIaL* - 22
ThIs BlOnDe Is A plEaSE NoT A TeAsE! °•32dd-26-32 YeS iTs TRuE! •° BuSTy BLoNDe •°WeLL ReVieWeD - 21
(in cals- tropicana& valley view)
THE REAL BUNNY •:*:( new pics !! ) *STuNNiNg , BeAuTiFUL •:*:• *So SExY & NO DISAPPOINTMENTS •:*:• * - 19
(Las Vegas, OUTCALL ONLY LV, The Strip)
~The Blonde college Hottie Of Your Dreamz ♥ Available 24-7, no-rush ♥ Real Pix ready NOW - 22
(Las Vegas, Sin City outcall)
The Lovely Lori is ______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _BACK - 22
(Las Vegas)
T__H__E_ ~ *__U__L__T__ I__M__ A__T__E _ ~*((((( $150 )))))~* _E__X__ P__E__R__ I __E__N__C __E - 22
(Las Vegas, outcalls all over vegas)
T H E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip Hotels Only, South)
•▪.▪• Simply ___ S T U N N I N G ♡ Beautiful BUSTY BLONDE Girl Next Door ♡ 100% ___ INDEPENDENT•▪.▪• - 26
(Las Vegas, STRIP OUTCALL, The Strip)
Slow Patient Inviting! Just what the Dr. ordered!!! *** REal not Fake! Mature and Gentle - 35
(Las Vegas, you host please)
💋💋Sexy Exotic Ebony!!!!♥💛💖Ready to Satisfy! !💚💙♥Early bird Specials!💯💕👅💦💦 - 21
(Las Vegas, las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip)
Sexy, Hot, Fun "The best you'll ever have "..,,, 100% real pics, reviewed and adored - 29
(Las Vegas, your place)
✿•*¨♥¨*• Sexy Petite Companion✪ Aim to Please✪ :)✿•*¨♥¨*• - 21
(Las Vegas, incall/OUTcall near the strip)
Sexy B L O N D E new from Cali.. ready to satisfy your every need!! - 24
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, Outcall las vegas baby!!)
★.•*¨¨*•-☆Sexy Blonde Look No Further let's have fun Call Now ☆ :-•*¨¨*•★ y! - 21
~* SExy ~* ~* BRUnEttE ~* ALL NAtuRaL ~*~ PEtIte ~*& SWeeT!!!!**NiCe Tan!! - 24
(Las Vegas, outcall las vegas, SouthWest)
█ ▅ SEXY ---(4)--- [LATINAS] █ --GORGEOUS -(2) HAWAIIAN ----- █ - 22
(Las Vegas, 229 n stephanie suite B)
Sexy Blondie In The City That Doesn't Sleep :) Call Me For My 24/7 Services Incall / Outcall - 21
(Las Vegas, Incall / Outcall - All Las Vegas)
Sensual and Erotic Massage By Sweet Gorgeous Asian** Princess ** - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Outcall)
♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d & E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e ♥ Avaliable ♥ Las Vegas♥ Strip - 21
(South, Las Vegas Strip 👑 incalls & outcalls)
SATURDAY FEVER!! 2 FOR 1- Exotic Jewish American Princess - ALSO w/ Sexy Cousin ! - 45
(Las Vegas, Buffalo and Tropicana)
S E X Y L O L A D O L L!!! E X O T I C M I X E D G O D D E S S!!! - 20
(Las Vegas, W Tropicana/ Las Vegas Strip)
♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e ♥ - 18
(Las Vegas, outcall •❤•)
RODEO FANS!!! Visiting ONLY for NFR ___ SExy CowGIRL HEre to FInd a REAL CowBOY!! - 23
(all over vegas)
*~*~ REAL MidWest Beauty ____ BloNdE _____ NO RuSh _____ IndePenDeNT *~*~ - 25
(Las Vegas, las vegas hotels/locals)
Phi, Mixed Asian girl, Come See and Find Out Yourself :) - 22
(Las Vegas, Outcall to ALL of the Las Vegas Area, SouthWest)
Premium Package 100% me. Sexy White Pretty Asian Lady. Soft Sensual Massage 24/7 - 30
(Las Vegas, S Jones Blvd)
(PleAsUrE) .-:¦:-. (IN) -:¦:- (EVERY) :¦:-(WaY) -:¦:- MiXeD eBoNy (FrEAk) -:¦:- aLwAyS Up LaTe! - 25
(Incall Available/Outcall Everywhere)