Thu 02 Jan
* * * * Welcome vistors!!!!! Enjoy this beautiful Weather! RELAX!! REAL & Mature & Brunette * * * * - 32
(Las Vegas, your place... outcalls only!)
(Well Reviewed) 100 Hh Limited Time 💖 Naughty Natural Babe 💋 100 Hh Limited Time 💖 CALL NOW - 23
(Las Vegas, South Point/Strip/Airport/Henderson)
Wanna relax and go to sleep or wake up right and feeling light on ur feet,well then cum & c ME
(Right of the 95)
~★ ~ What's WARM,Sweet, EXOTIC? and GREAT to TASTE ~★ ~===> with 99$ hour specail - 19
(vegas in & outcalls)
(((V!s!T!nG))) XxX Rated Petite Ebony Chick!! In / Out Call Specials!! - 21
(In..South Strip... Out Call Available...)
(¯`'.¸° WelCome RoDEO VISitoRS! MaTUre BLonDe *¨¨*- AvaILabLe TOday *-:¦:-* REaL PiCs - 30
(Las Vegas, your place)
★☆ VISITING ❤ ▀▄▀▄ ❤ YoUNg BRunEttE ❤ ▀▄▀▄ ❤ CaLL NoW iM AVaiLabLe☆★ - - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas, OUTCALL)
wednesday A FUNDAY 100$ SPECIAL! Very KINKY & open MINDED! 100$ incall special!hot & READY 4 u!! - 38
🌟👏Welcome ⭐️BAMBII ⭐️ Back to VEGAS 💋 available NOW & for appointments 📱💋👍👍👏🌟 - 25
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas / OUTCALLS/INCALLS)